Summer eczema in horses - Paardenkriebels

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Summer eczema in horses

Summer eczema in horses

Summer eczema is an annoying condition that mainly affects horses during the warmer months. It is also known as tail and mane eczema and can cause a lot of discomfort to your horse. We at Paardenkriebels understand how stressful this can be for both the horse and the owner.

The root cause of this problem is the culicoïdes robertii mosquito, a small insect that bites the skin of horses, triggering an allergic reaction. This reaction leads to itching and discomfort in the horse, causing it to rub itself against objects. This can result in hair loss and wounds, especially around the mane, tail and ears.

What exactly is summer eczema?

Summer eczema is an allergic reaction to the saliva of the culicoïdes robertii mosquito, resulting in a nasty condition known as tail and mane eczema. This condition causes severe itching in horses, especially in the summer months when these mosquitoes are most active.

Causes and consequences of summer eczema

When a horse suffers from summer eczema, it is usually because it is allergic to the saliva of certain mosquitoes. This leads to severe itching and the horse will try to relieve the itch by shedding, which can result in bald patches. Without effective treatment, this can have a major impact on your horse's health and well-being.

Diagnosis of summer eczema made

To diagnose summer eczema, we mainly look at symptoms such as itching at the mane and tail trunk, bald patches, and thickened skin. Horses with sme, or tail and mane eczema, often show these signs in different countries. Diagnosis requires careful observation and sometimes testing to rule out other skin conditions.

Symptoms and recognition

The most noticeable symptoms of summer eczema are severe itching, thickened skin, and itching on the belly, mane and tailbone. Horses with this condition will often rub against posts or stalls trying to relieve the itching, which can lead to further skin damage.

Typical symptoms of summer eczema

Severe itching and thickening of the skin are typical symptoms that may indicate summer eczema. In severe cases, these symptoms may occur to a more severe degree, indicating that the horse has an allergy.

Particularly affected parts in horses

The nasty condition caused by the culicoïdes robertii mosquito mainly affects the mane, tail and sometimes the belly of the horse. These areas are particularly susceptible to the itching and discomfort caused by summer eczema, making it important to be alert to these symptoms in your horse.

Does your horse suffer from summer eczema?

If you notice that your horse regularly scrapes against posts or stalls, this could be a sign of summer eczema. This condition is affected by the horse's environment, especially during the warmer months when insects are active. Horses with summer eczema often show agitation due to constant itching and irritation. It is important to take these symptoms seriously so that your horse can receive the necessary care.

Prevention and treatment

Summer eczema can cause serious problems if not treated properly. Allowing the horse to itch a lot without taking action can lead to open wounds and infections as the horse may shed to the point of bleeding. Prevention and timely treatment are crucial to ensure your horse's well-being.

Natural treatments and care

Tackling summer eczema requires a careful approach to break a vicious cycle of itching and shedding. Natural treatments can play an important role here, providing relief and helping your horse's skin recover. is focused on this skin condition and has a number of products in its range that are co-developed against summer eczema such as:
Green XL set against eczema for only €32.50. This set includes horse shampoo and cream that has been co-developed for horses with summer eczema.

Green XL Horse Shampoo

Is a biodegradable foam cleaner with added probiotics. Probiotics means it is not chemical. This gives the shampoo a double action for your horse's optimal hygiene.

Anti summer eczema cream

For stubborn summer eczema, this cream can be used. This cream can be applied directly to the affected skin to promote healing.
This horse cream/ointment is perfect for horses in temporary or long-term need of a skin-improving product. Thanks to the combination of moisturising, conditioning ingredients and a high dose of probiotics, it is possible to quickly restore irritated or damaged skin.

Neem oil 500ml

On sale at for just €39.95, neem oil is a natural remedy known for its soothing properties in skin conditions. It is an excellent choice to treat your horse against summer eczema. Neem oil minimises itching and has the property of being anti-inflammatory, healing and caring for the wounds that often occur when your horse sheds its mane and tail.

Helmosan skin oil for horses.

You can buy 250ml and 1 litre at The company Helmosan has specialised in treating summer eczema, developing the skin gel and skin oil. The skin oil is mainly used in the tail as it is thinner and runs nicely. The skin gel is more suitable for the mane as it is thicker. Both products help horses with summer eczema to soften and repair the skin. It is a protective layer and promotes the natural healing process.

Healthy eating adjustments

An important part of caring for a horse with summer eczema is adjusting its diet. Healthy nutrition can strengthen your horse's overall resistance and has a positive impact on skin condition. It is essential to choose feed that is rich in essential fatty acids and low in sugar.

Using an eczema rug

Using an eczema blanket can be an effective way to protect your horse from insect bites, which can be a trigger for summer eczema. These blankets are designed to provide comfort without restricting your horse's movement and help minimise exposure to irritants.

Medical treatment of summer eczema in horses

If your horse or pony suffers from summer eczema, you know that severe itching and skin conditions can cause major problems. Effective treatment starts with understanding how the itching arises. Often preventive measures are essential, but sometimes more is needed. For a horse with summer eczema, the vet may prescribe medication that specifically targets the symptoms of summer eczema, such as anti-inflammatories or antihistamines, to increase your horse's comfort and support skin and coat health.

Feeding and caring for a horse with summer eczema

Proper nutrition and care are crucial for a horse with summer eczema. To relieve itching, it is important to know that the allergic reaction is mainly caused by the saliva of certain mosquitoes. Especially in the mane and tail, this can cause a lot of discomfort. We recommend using a betadine or chlorhexidine-containing shampoo to keep the skin clean and prevent infections. A good grooming routine, combined with an appropriate diet, can help control allergy in horses, especially older horses.

Dietary instructions to protect metabolism

To support the well-being of a horse with summer eczema, it is important to pay attention to its metabolism. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and improve skin condition. Therefore, add flaxseed oil or specially formulated supplements to your horse's diet.

Positive effect on skin condition

The skin condition of a horse with summer eczema can improve significantly with the right dietary adjustments. Nutrients known for their positive influence on the skin, such as vitamin E, zinc and selenium, should not be missing from the diet. These elements not only help repair the skin, but also strengthen the horse's natural resistance to irritation. By consistently including these nutrients in your horse's diet, you can contribute to a healthier skin and coat.

Care advice for horses with summer eczema

We at Paardenkriebels understand that while every horse is unique, when it comes to summer eczema, there are general guidelines that can be useful for all horses and ponies. It is important to remember that proper grooming plays a crucial role in your horse's well-being. Regular brushing not only helps keep the skin clean but can also detect early signs of eczema. In addition, ensure a clean and dry stable to reduce the risk of irritation.

Frequently asked questions about summer eczema

Do you have questions about summer eczema in horses? We have the answers you're looking for. Whether you want to know more about prevention, symptoms, or treatment, we are ready with expert advice. Let us help give your horse a more comfortable life.

Is summer eczema contagious?

Many wonder whether summer eczema can be transmitted from one horse to another. The answer is no, summer eczema is not contagious. It is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of midges and not by direct contact between horses. So, if your horse has summer eczema, you need not worry that it will infect other horses.

How can I best manage my horse?

If your horse suffers from summer eczema, active prevention and treatment is especially important. Using a special eczema blanket can offer your horse relief by reducing the intense itching. This blanket also helps to avoid gnats as much as possible, especially during times when the trunk, belly and tail are most affected. In addition, it is advisable to keep your horse stabled around sunrise and sunset, times when midges are most active. Preventive treatment can also help control symptoms and ensure that your horse begins to shed less.

Causes of summer eczema taken a closer look

Some horse breeds such as Tinkers and Friesians, known as austere breeds, have reduced defences and are therefore more susceptible to summer eczema. This is because female midges need blood for reproduction and their saliva containing proteins can cause an allergic reaction in horses. Since horses can be repeatedly exposed to these allergens, they can develop summer eczema later in life. Therefore, genetic factors and environmental influences play an important role.

How does hypersensitivity to allergens occur?

Hypersensitivity to allergens such as the saliva of midges occurs due to several factors. The immune system of some horses reacts excessively to the proteins in this saliva, leading to symptoms of summer eczema. This reaction is influenced by genetic predisposition, nutrition, and the overall health of the horse. It is important to take a holistic approach in caring for horses with summer eczema, not only treating the symptoms, but also looking for ways to improve the horse's overall immunity.

Order products against summer eczema on our website!

We at understand how challenging it can be to see your horse suffering from summer eczema. That's why we offer a wide range of products specifically designed to help your horse. With us, you will find everything you need to relieve your horse's itching and discomfort. Our green xl set against eczema and helmosan skin oil and gel are also popular with horse owners who prefer a natural approach. Remember that good nutrition also plays a crucial role in the health of your horse's skin.

Paardenkriebels strives for a happy horse and owner.

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