Why do horses suffer from flies around their eyes? - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Why do horses suffer from flies around their eyes?

Why do horses suffer from flies around their eyes?

Every spring, horse owners get ready for a big battle: fighting flies.
Summer brings warm weather, longer days and FLYING. Just when we are happy to spend more time with our horses, flies and mosquitoes come and ruin our fun time! Are flies really a serious problem? While humans find their buzzing annoying, flies and mosquitoes can cause several medical problems in our horses. Not only are fly and mosquito bites very irritating to horses, as in humans, some horses are more sensitive to them than others. Furthermore, flies can cause diseases directly, usually through their bite, or by spreading the disease they carry. Flies are excellent vectors for many diseases.
The two most common flies around horse stables are house flies and stable flies. House flies are annoying flies that do not bite, but can spread disease and irritate your horse. Stable flies bite the legs and flanks, which can make horses really stressed and stampede. Daes and deer flies are less common, but score very high on the irritant scale because of their painful, persistent bites
Flies feed on large mammals that are dark, warm and move around a lot; in other words, horses. Daases live off the endless supply of horse blood and fresh manure in barns is an ideal breeding ground for them.
Flies like to breed in warm, wet areas with organic waste. Besides manure piles, this can include areas where old feed has accumulated and around water troughs. This is one of the reasons why good drainage is so important! Always clean up spilt feed, including hay and concentrate...

Are flies irritating?

Flies are pests, in a literal sense; they burrow into horses' ears, bite them and buzz around their eyes. Even if they are not in a horse-sensitive area, their sheer number often irritates a horse.
Eye irritation is very common during the flying season. Flies feed on tears and in the process bite the conjunctiva of the eye. Inflammation can develop, which can eventually lead to blockage of the nasolacrimal canal and lead to excessive tearing.
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The huge number of flies causes some to wave their tails non-stop to relieve the insects from their sides and underbelly. The hare is incredibly irritating to horses. It causes a considerable level of discomfort, especially when they sink their incisors into the animal's flesh to draw blood The bite can cause cuts in the flesh, which can be extremely painful. The puncture can also cause the affected area to become red and swollen, leaving a bump on the horse's skin, visible from afar. The open wound of a bite is vulnerable to infection To prevent this, our natural anti-bug spray from horseskriebels.co.uk helps

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