Set Hippalgo against eczema - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Set Hippalgo against eczema


  • Vermindert de vervelende gevolgen van zomer exceem bij paarden. Deze spray heeft desinfecterende, wondhelende en jeukwerende eigenschappen en zorgt voor verlichting van de klachten bij het paard. Het middel kan ook ingezet worden bij huidirritaties zoals jeuk, schurft en overige eczeemverschijnselen.
  • Deze reiningende en wondhelende creme is geschikt voor allergische reacties van de huid zoals eczeem en jeuk. het verzacht en werkt huidstellend.

Tip: Behandel je paard van binnen en buitenuit. Vraag ook eens naar de kruiden/kruidenmixen voor o.a immuumsysteem van je paard. 


  • fast delivery time
  • secure payment
  • personal service


Why exactly Paardenkriebels's products?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for all skin conditions, but fortunately there are natural-based products that can keep the symptoms under control and improve the horse's quality of life or solve some of them. How likely it is that it will work on your horse clearly differs in what is offered on the market. The products of Paardenkriebels have proven themselves to have a high chance of success. Always try them out and always do so on a piece of skin to see how your horse reacts.

If you are in doubt about which product is best for your horse, feel free to send me an app. It may also be that an outside treatment is not enough and your horse needs to be treated from the inside as well. Also, always check that the feed she/he is getting does not have a high sugar content. Every horse is unique and can depend on several factors......


Set Hippalgo against eczema

When horses itch their tails and manes and start rubbing, you are often dealing with the skin condition summer eczema or tail and mane eczema. Sometimes a horse also has itching on its belly.

Even though summer is over, the days are getting much shorter and cooler again, very slowly the midges (gnats) are also becoming less and less. Finally, the horses can relax again as the itching becomes slightly less intense but summer eczema then leaves bald, scraped patches and wounds on the crest of the mane, tail and belly.

Causes: Saliva from stinging midges produces an allergic reaction causing summer eczema in horses. These midges are usually most active during sunrise and sunset, making these times of day particularly risky for horses. The saliva of midges contains a protein that triggers an immune response in horses that are sensitive to it. The immune response unfortunately leads to inflammation, itching and discomfort for the horse.



The symptoms of summer eczema in horses can vary from horse to horse, Unfortunately, there is no test available (yet) to check if your horse has summer eczema. Very tricky, because there are of course more reasons why a horse gets itchy and itches. Diagnosing summer eczema is therefore tricky but usually includes:
  • Intense itching of the mane, tail and neck
  • Crusting
  • Thickening and darkening of the skin
  • Open wounds
  • Thicker mane comb
  • Skin flakes
  • Irritable
  • Restlessness
  • Redness and swelling
  • Hair loss
  • Terribly itchy



The most effective way to treat summer eczema in horses is by reducing the horse's exposure to biting insects. Such as:
The horse's diet and digestion (intestines) can also affect summer eczema and its susceptibility. The intestines absorb various nutrients and waste products. These are then absorbed and transported into the blood. When there is an excess of certain nutrients in the blood, such as proteins, it mainly causes the following:
  • Set eczema by combination works best spray + cream. 
  • Stabling the horse at peak times
  • Applying fly repellent such as anti-bug spray from
  • Supplement the horse's diet with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Supplements
Too much protein affects the skin and worsens skin problems;

When there are too many nutrients/wastes in the blood, fewer foreign substances, such as those from the midge saliva, can be eliminated. Thus, the horses suffer from these substances for longer and the allergic reaction becomes longer. Miniature horses and Shetlanders can be very sensitive to excess protein.

Your horse's general condition also has a major impact on summer eczema and its susceptibility. If your horse is not feeling well or is on the lean side, chances are that its resistance is also lower than that of a healthy horse. Summer eczema then also gets a chance.

Of course, this does not mean that healthy horses cannot get summer eczema - they can. The general condition of the horse does affect how much it suffers and you can actually see that.


Additional information set against eczema: 

Composition 500 ml eczema cream: Based on natural essential oils

Composition 500 nl eczema spray: Based on natural essential oils including melaeuca.

Security: Set against eczema is generally safe to use in horses, it is essential to follow safety precautions and guidelines. Keep the product out of the reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Although extensively tested, individual variations and factors may affect outcomes. In case of suspected side effects or concerns, call a vet.

Composition: This product contains high-quality pure sourced from reputable supplier. Its composition ensures the availability of essential nutrients and bioactive substances that contribute to its potential animal health benefits.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered veterinary advice. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for specific questions and guidance regarding your horse's health and care. These products are not medicines and are not for ingestion.

Shipping: I would love to send your order as soon as possible, but I work in salaried employment alongside this webshop which doesn't always work out. Usually the orders go within 1 to 3 working days away. Very occasionally, it may take a little longer and then I am incredibly grateful for your understanding. Should there be any urgency please let me know via a via WhatsApp.

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