Neem ointment 50 ml - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Neem ointment 50 ml


  • Neem is known there as an effective natural remedy for eczema, dry (head) skin conditions, scalp flakes, mosquito and insect bites, as well as irritated skin. Neem ointment optimally nourishes, restores and moisturises the skin for skin conditions and has an itch-relieving effect.
  • In horses as a repellent against stinging insects. Neem oil smells strong by nature. Very nice around your horse's eyes.
  • Contains no DEET and therefore long-lasting use
  • Without chemical and aggressive additives


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Why exactly Paardenkriebels's products?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for all skin conditions, but fortunately there are natural-based products that can keep the symptoms under control and improve the horse's quality of life or solve some of them. How likely it is that it will work on your horse clearly differs in what is offered on the market. The products of Paardenkriebels have proven themselves to have a high chance of success. Always try them out and always do so on a piece of skin to see how your horse reacts.

If you are in doubt about which product is best for your horse, feel free to send me an app. It may also be that an outside treatment is not enough and your horse needs to be treated from the inside as well. Also, always check that the feed she/he is getting does not have a high sugar content. Every horse is unique and can depend on several factors......

Neem ointment: The natural solution for horses with skin problems

As a horse lover, you want nothing more than to keep your faithful four-legged friend in top condition. Unfortunately, skin problems such as dry skin, eczema and insect bites can cause your horse considerable discomfort. Fortunately, neem ointment 50 ml offers a natural solution that both repels insects and soothes the skin.

What is neem ointment?

Neem ointment is made from the leaves and seeds of the neem tree, which is native to India. This tree is known for its healing and insect repellent properties. The active ingredients in neem, such as azadirachtin, repel insects like mosquitoes and other pesky critters that can plague your horse.

Benefits of neem ointment for horses

  • Repels insects such as mosquitoes and other pesky critters
  • Softens and moisturises your horse's dry skin
  • Helps relieve symptoms of eczema
  • Soothes the skin after insect bites
  • 100% natural and safe for your horse
  • Very good for people's skin.

How to use neem ointment on horses?

Very important try a piece of skin first, to see how your horse reacts to it.

Apply the neem ointment to your horse's problem areas, such as areas of dry skin, eczema or insect bites. Gently massage the ointment into the skin for optimal absorption. Repeat this process daily until symptoms improve. To repel insects such as mosquitoes, you can also apply the ointment preventively to sensitive areas such as your horse's ears, belly number cm around the eyes and legs.

"Since I started using neem ointment, my horse suffers much less from dry skin and insect bites. It is a natural product that really works!" - Satisfied horse owner

Treat your horse to the best care with neem ointment. This natural solution repels insects, soothes dry skin, relieves symptoms of eczema and calms the skin after insect bites. So your horse can enjoy healthy, comfortable skin again.


Additional information on neem ointment:

Contains: 20% pure Neem oil, Azadirachta Indica oil, and unrefined Shea Butter.

Security: neem ointment is generally safe to use in horses, it is essential to follow safety precautions and guidelines. Keep the product out of the reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Although extensively tested, individual variations and factors can affect outcomes. In case of suspected side effects or concerns, call a vet.

Composition: This product contains high-quality pure sourced from reputable supplier. Its composition ensures the availability of essential nutrients and bioactive substances that contribute to its potential animal health benefits.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered veterinary advice. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for specific questions and guidance regarding your horse's health and care. These products are not medicines and are not for ingestion.

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