Neem oil - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Neem oil


  • For best results, even in the longer term, treat your horse inside and out.
  • Neem oil can be applied for eczema, mug, mite, rasp, scaling. Neem oil is ideally suited to reduce and then prevent the conditions.

If you have a question feel free to ask, we want the best for your horse

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Why exactly Paardenkriebels's products?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for all skin conditions, but fortunately there are natural-based products that can keep the symptoms under control and improve the horse's quality of life or solve some of them. How likely it is that it will work on your horse clearly differs in what is offered on the market. The products of Paardenkriebels have proven themselves to have a high chance of success. Always try them out and always do so on a piece of skin to see how your horse reacts.

If you are in doubt about which product is best for your horse, feel free to send me an app. It may also be that an outside treatment is not enough and your horse needs to be treated from the inside as well. Also, always check that the feed she/he is getting does not have a high sugar content. Every horse is unique and can depend on several factors......

Neem oil

Neem oil Azadirachta Indica, is pure and unprocessed. Ideal for skin problems in humans and animals.


What can neem oil help against?

Neem oil can be applied for eczema, mug, mite, rasp, scaling. Neem oil is ideally suited to reduce and then prevent the conditions.

What are the properties of neem oil: Anti-inflammatory, heals and conditions wounds, soothing.

Neem oil


Instructions for use in summer eczema:

Very important try a piece of skin first, to see how your horse reacts to it.

First try a piece of skin to see how your horse reacts. If that goes well then for two to three weeks, every day, skin rub/massage (not on the hair) on the areas where the horse chafes, also washing out the oil only after two to three weeks. Then see how the skin recovers and to what extent the horse still chafes. Most horses stop shedding and regain beautiful mane and tail in return.

Do give it time it is natural product, usually after 1 to 2 weeks you start seeing results. Also works in the longer term.

Treatment at the tail and mane:

Tail: Do not put it on/or in the hair but thinly massage in between really on the skin.

Moons: Do not put on/or in the hair but really under the mane massage it thinly onto the skin.

Sizes of barns:

Sears still often: Then continue rubbing in every day for a while longer

Sanding still moderate: Keep rubbing it in every other day for the next two weeks

Scuffs minimally: Apply the Neem oil a few more times a week.

Summer eczema is very persistent, really needs some time. Lubrication will become less and less and the results better, with the exception. Usually, anyway, if the horse has really extreme eczema, he will still need to be lubricated several times a week spring/summer. Also make sure you feed the horse feed that contains as little sugar as possible.

Note! Cold now in winter will cause neem oil to thicken, what to do:

  1. Hold briefly under a hot tap
  2. Put it in your jacket pocket for a while
  3. Neem oil can vary in terms of colour.


Find out more about Neem oil horses Read here:

Own experience with the product

Customer experience with the product

Summer eczema in autumn


Additional information on Neem oil:

Available in:  1000 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml

Neem oil on: in the evening when the sun is gone and better after rubbing in don't put a blanket on.

Security: Neem oil is generally safe to use on horses, it is essential to follow safety precautions and guidelines. Keep the product out of the reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Although extensively tested, individual variations and factors can affect outcomes. In case of suspected side effects or concerns, call a vet.

Composition: This product contains high-quality pure sourced from reputable supplier. Its composition ensures the availability of essential nutrients and bioactive substances that contribute to its potential animal health benefits.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered veterinary advice. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for specific questions and guidance regarding your horse's health and care. These products are not medicines and are not for ingestion.

Shipping: I would love to send your order as soon as possible, but I work in salaried employment alongside this webshop which doesn't always work out. Usually the orders go within 1 to 3 working days away. Very occasionally, it may take a little longer and then I am incredibly grateful for your understanding. Should there be any urgency please let me know via a via WhatsApp.




Neem oil


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