Helmosan skin oil - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Helmosan skin oil


  • Works caring and soothing on insect bites.
  • Helps best with eczema but also with incipient mug, rasp, rainrot and flakes.
  • Supports the skin's repair capacity.
  • Caring and soothing for dry, cracked and chapped skin
  • Anti-bacterial.
  • Works light insect repellent.

Tip: Behandel je paard van binnen en buitenuit. Vraag ook eens naar de kruiden/kruidenmixen voor o.a immuumsysteem van je paard.


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  • personal service


Why exactly Paardenkriebels's products?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for all skin conditions, but fortunately there are natural-based products that can keep the symptoms under control and improve the horse's quality of life or solve some of them. How likely it is that it will work on your horse clearly differs in what is offered on the market. The products of Paardenkriebels have proven themselves to have a high chance of success. Always try them out and always do so on a piece of skin to see how your horse reacts.

If you are in doubt about which product is best for your horse, feel free to send me an app. It may also be that an outside treatment is not enough and your horse needs to be treated from the inside as well. Also, always check that the feed she/he is getting does not have a high sugar content. Every horse is unique and can depend on several factors......

Discover Helmosan Skin Oil: The natural relief for horses with Summer Eczema

Summer eczema in horses can be a real challenge for both the animal and the owner. The itching and discomfort caused by this condition often leads to distress and can significantly affect your horse's quality of life. Fortunately, a natural, effective solution is now available: Helmosan skin oil, enriched with the power of lavender, sweet fennel and chamomile essential oils.

Very important try a piece of skin first, to see how your horse reacts to it.

Helmosan skin oil


Natural ingredients

Helmosan skin oil combines the natural properties of three powerful essential oils, each known for their unique skin benefits:

  • Lavender oil: Known not only for its soothing scent, but also for its ability to soothe the skin and protect it from external damage. Lavender oil helps relieve itchiness and promotes skin recovery.
  • Sweet Fennel Oil: This oil is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Moreover, it supports skin health and keeps it in optimal condition.
  • Chamomile oil: Chamomile has been a trusted skin care remedy for centuries. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that helps soothe irritated skin and reduce itchiness, making it an essential ingredient for the care of summer eczema.

Shake before use.

Application is best with the set applicator and massage brush


Set applicator and massage brush black

It is best to treat the skin with our applicator. It is convenient in size and weight, and the cap with a comb with hollow tips makes it easy to apply between hairs. It is then recommended to massage the Helmosan skin oil gently. This way it penetrates the skin better and you can distribute the Helmosan better. This also ensures extra blood circulation, which promotes healing. This is best done with our soft massage brush.

For the mane, we recommend the gel because the oil is very thin and can run down the neck. The gel is also more effective as it contains more active ingredients.


Depending on the state of the skin in the beginning, usually apply twice a day. When you first apply Helmosan to irritated skin, the horse may want to chafe because the touch causes extra irritation. But after a few minutes, this irritation disappears and the remedy gives its soothing and caring effect. Make sure you apply t as gently as possible and do not touch the skin with the cap. Once the skin has recovered sufficiently, after a few days, you can usually reduce the dose to once a day or every other day and the application is no longer irritating but most horses actually find it pleasant. In some cases, you can even go back to applying every 2 or 3 days. It is different for each animal so it takes some figuring out what works best for your horse. Also, the dosage depends on the weather and the area where you live. With lots of sun and lots of midges, it is advisable to use more often than if it is raining, windy and cloudy or there are not many midges around the horse.

If your horse is still chafing after some time, there may be another area that also needs rubbing in. Think of the inside of the ears, side of the mane comb, tip of the tail, back of the tail and more. Also, make sure you don't skip any spots, so always spread well and apply thoroughly. In the course of time, spots may grow or diminish, so it is very important to keep examining your horse.

It may also be that your horse is (also) suffering from something else such as fungus or mite which can also cause itching and even hair loss. In that case, always consult your vet. It is also possible to get online advice from our vet Dr Jan Saif.

Tip: You can also use the oil on hooves and swelling warts.


To know more about Helmosan oil read here:

What does the Helmosan brand do

Experience with Helmosan


Additional information on Helmosan oil: 

This product contains:  Paraffin - essential oil incorporated.

Content: 250 ml, 1 litre

Security: Helmosan skin oil is generally safe to use on horses, it is essential to follow safety precautions and guidelines. Keep the product out of the reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Although extensively tested, individual variations and factors may affect outcomes. In case of suspected side effects or concerns, call a vet.

Paying attention: Please note that Helmosan on a hairlessskin risk of sunburn. If your horse has enough hair again, this acts as a natural protection against sunburn. Application in the evening usually works best. If your horse needs it twice a day, it is best to use a blanket (temporarily). Make sure you use a good quality blanket. Some blankets can suffocate the skin and hair, which can cause hair loss.

Composition: This product contains high-quality pure sourced from reputable supplier. Its composition ensures the availability of essential nutrients and bioactive substances that contribute to its potential animal health benefits.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered veterinary advice. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for specific questions and guidance regarding your horse's health and care. These products are not medicines and are not for ingestion.

Shipping: I would love to send your order as soon as possible, but I work in salaried employment alongside this webshop which doesn't always work out. Usually the orders go within 1 to 3 working days away. Very occasionally, it may take a little longer and then I am incredibly grateful for your understanding. Should there be any urgency please let me know via a via WhatsApp.





Helmosan skin oil

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