Disclaimer, accessing and using this site means that the user has taken note of, understands, agrees to and is bound by the terms and conditions below:
Information on this website
Paardenkriebels.nl takes the utmost care to ensure that the information on this website is reliable and up-to-date. Inaccuracies and omissions in the data shown may however occur. Paardenkriebels.nl rejects any form of liability for inaccuracies in the information displayed on or via this site and reserves the right to change the content of the information on the website.
This website is intended to provide information and Paardenkriebels.co.uk reminds readers that every animal health situation is unique. This is for informational purposes only and should not be considered veterinary advice. Always consult a qualified veterinarian for specific questions and guidance regarding your horse's health and care. These products are NOT medicines. This information is also not intended for readers to diagnose or treat specific health problems or diseases, and should never be considered a substitute for professional advice. It is your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet the specific requirements of the situation. The products on this website should only be used as indicated on the site. Consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.
Paardenkriebels.nl garandeert niet de foutloze werking of ononderbroken toegankelijkheid van deze website of de door haar langs elektronische weg aangeboden diensten. Paardenkriebels.nl. is niet aansprakelijk voor schade als gevolg van onjuistheden of onvolledigheden in de aangeboden informatie en diensten.
Functioning of this website
Paardenkriebels.nl does not guarantee the flawless operation or uninterrupted accessibility of this website or the services it offers electronically. Paardenkriebels.nl is not liable for damages resulting from inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information and services offered.
Hyperlinks and references
Hyperlinks of verwijzingen naar met andere websites dienen alleen ter informatie van de gebruiker. Paardenkriebels.nl. aanvaardt géén verantwoordelijkheid voor de inhoud van internetsites waarnaar of waarvan met een hyperlink of anderszins wordt verwezen.
Paardenkriebels.nl does not guarantee that the information, software or references or hyperlinks accessible via this website are free of viruses or similar harmful components.