Mok bij paarden - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

Mok bij paarden


You are doing your horse's legs and at some point you feel kind of hardening scabs. Now the question is is it mug or something else....

Mug is an umbrella term for skin problems on the lower legs. It is common in cold-blooded horses such as Friesians and Tinkers. It is important to realise that mug has several causes.

What exactly is mug and how does it occur?

In a horse, mug is found in and around the pastern. It can be persistent and it heals slowly. It often starts with a small spot. Red and inflamed skin in which many wounds or fissures and often crusts develop. If not treated in time, it can affect the leg or pastern joint. Often, mug occurs due to damp heat, dirt or soggy pasture. Horses that often stand with their hooves in the mud for long periods of time People often think it is better to shave the pastures but this prevents the water from draining away. And it gets into the pasterns. This can cause mug, so this form is called wet mug.

What can I do if it is incipient mug?

Mok moet je heel serieus aanpakken want verwaarloos je het kan het zelfs bloedvergiftiging veroorzaken. Met Green XL set tegen rasp en mok is uitermate geschikt daarvoor.

TIP: Paardenkriebels heeft een voordeel set in het assortiment.

Wat je ook kan doen om mok te voorkomen:

  • Do not shave the hairs in the cabbage cavity.
  • Do not put on a soggy pasture.
  • Optimal hygiene
  • Starting mug immediately take action.










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