What to do about Lice and mites in horses? - Paardenkriebels

Horse jitters

What to do about lice and mites in horses?

The difference between lice and mites is not the same. They often turn up in winter or spring. If you see small bugs, chances are your horse has lice or mites. Often found between the hairs.


The leg scabies mite is the most common species in the Netherlands. This condition is common in Friesians, Shire and Tinkers. The mite likes to nestle in the warm, moist hoof cavity in these breeds.What to do about lice and mites in horses?


There are two types of lice, the sucking and the biting louse. Symptoms may include skin flakes, itching or bald patches.

It causes skin irritation such as:

  • The horse stamps its legs because of itching.
  • Horse will bite his socks.
  • Often horse stamping its hoof.
  • Bald spots often appear on the horse's coat.
  • Scabs and flakes on his legs.
  • Wounds on legs.
  • Mug can result from mites

The mite can not only be on the legs, but can also crawl all over the horse's body.

They are usually transmitted through saddles, blankets and brushes. Therefore, it is also very important to use your own brushes and definitely not others'. Some mites can survive in the environment for several weeks.

What to do when mites or lice start?

2 brands that are very well regarded and also have very good results. Neem oil and Green XL.

Working method neem oil: Wash the horse with green soap, then dry well with a clean towel Take a little neem oil on your hand and massage it on the spots Box emptied and cleaned Several times the brushes, halters, blankets, shawls in the washing machine as both are contagious

Method Green xl: Wash your horse once with Green XL shampoo with lukewarm water. Apply cleaner spray every two days. Should it still not give the desired result, repeat the treatment the following week.

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