What does the brand Helmosan - Paardenkriebels do?

Horse jitters

What does the Helmosan brand do

Brand Helmosan:

A number of horses in my horse sanctuary and clientele had summer eczema/mock. Our shetland foal started shedding when he was 3 weeks old and developed the worst form of summer eczema (midline) I have ever experienced.
From everything I tried to help him because he was covered from head to toe in open wounds and it was terrible to see him suffering like that. Unfortunately, in the end my wallet was empty and I still had an itchy and abrasive horse. When the vet suggested putting him down, I put horse care on hold and focused even more on finding an (affordable) remedy that does work. And it did! I am extremely happy that I was able to help him which allowed him to move on without a blanket, without wounds and without itching.

Helmosan skin oil was the first step. This nice-smelling oil works immediately and itchiness caused by the bites of those k*t pugs is instantly soothed. The skin calms down, becomes soft and supple again and hair starts growing again. And now followed by newly developed products like the gel, balm, tincture and herbal mixes.
But more can be done to support a horse with summer eczema. Good health starts with a properly functioning digestive system and optimally functioning immune system. The consequences and cause of the allergy can also be addressed with this. To this end, I have put together a holistic summer eczema protocol in collaboration with a phytotherapist, botanist, orthomocular therapist and vet.


Summer eczema roadmap

horse itchy butt breaks fence featured

Diagnosis of summer eczema: A correct diagnosis is of great importance. Indeed, itching can also have causes such as;

  • Scabies mite
  • Luis
  • Insulin resistance
  • Food allergy
  • Mold
  • Bacteria


You can choose only symptom relief by applying Helmosan skin oil / skin balm or skin gel to the affected areas. An eczema blanket can also provide relief but is no longer necessary in many cases with the right approach. This is evident from the reactions of many satisfied customers and own experience.

In fact, many problems with summer eczema have their origin in food (stomach and intestines). A horse with summer eczema already has a lot of waste products in its body because of the allergy. The liver may be out of balance and perhaps there are more waste products from, for example, medicines and worm treatment.

If summer eczema is not treated properly, it can even progressive are so that's an extra reason to get it right!

Nutritional advice

Daily roughage: 

Hay: Feed your horse unpackaged hay with low sugar content (<10/12%). Packaged hay cannot breathe so it is acidified and has a lot of bacterial growth. This disturbs the acidity in a horse's stomach and intestines. This has a negative effect on the stomach and intestinal flora, reducing nutrient absorption. It is recommended to test your hay for its sugar and protein content. This is because the latter can also cause health problems. Ideal is long-stemmed (herbal) hay. You can rinse hay before feeding it so that the sugar content is lower.

Grass: Ensure good soil and grass management with special grasses and herbs for horses. A type of grass like ryegrass is suitable for cows, but definitely not for horses because of its high protein content. And your horse can ingest too much sugar unnoticed if the fructan content in the grass is too high. Prolonged too much sugar can lead to laminitis, insulin resistance or food allergy in a horse, making it more susceptible to summer eczema. Therefore, keep an eye on the fructan content of your grass using the fructan index, so you can take action by, for example, paddocking your horse with hay instead of putting it out to pasture. Also, short grass often contains more fructan than tall grass, so preferably use strip grazing.

Daily concentrate 

Concentrated feed can upset the stomach and intestines, affecting the horse's health. In many cases, concentrate feed is also unnecessary. Good grass, hay and a balancer with the necessary vitamins and minerals is enough for most horses. If you do want to feed concentrate, give small portions of a low-sugar (grains are full of sugars!) product. Large amounts of concentrate feed cannot properly preprocess the horse's stomach for digestion, emptying the stomach without (all) the feed having had a stomach acid treatment. As a result, the intestines cannot absorb all the nutrients the horse needs. If you want to feed concentrate, choose a version with a low sugar content. (approx. 10%)


Prolonged and repetitive stress can affect your horse a lot. Make sure he is exposed to this as little as possible.
















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