Horse jitters - From a tear to a smile

Horse jitters

Focused on skin conditions in horses.

Striving for happy horse and owner

Why horse jitters?

Important information:

During that period, you can just place an order but: 

Between 12 September and 22 September, we are closed, then nothing will be sent, your order will remain on hold for a while.

Orders will be sent between 23 September and 29 September only slightly less than usual.

From 30 September, everything will be back to normal.

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Because of my unconditional love for my own horses and horses in general, I started this webshop. I know like no other how it is, that sometimes you find yourself with tears in your eyes because you see that your darling has so much itching. This is often caused by eczema, mug, louse, mite, rasp, rainrot, fungus and flakes.

Besides this webshop, I enjoy working in paid employment. I do not see this as work but purely out of love and passion for horses.



I have been in horses all my life. I have gained a lot of experience with skin problems in my own horses or stablemates' horses. I have come a long way to find the right products for them. Because of my experience I can do a lot for you, but I am not a vet so in case of a severe skin condition it is best to call him/her.

There are so many products on the market that you can't see the wood for the trees. You are not sure what to choose and what is best for your horse. You have already asked all your stable mates for advice. Everyone uses a different product for their horse, so you are no wiser.


Purpose of this webshop

My goal is to shorten your search for products that work well for horses, so that skin conditions are minimised. Or even better, completely resolved.


What are the benefits of natural products?

Nature is a source of inspiration for the horse, so why not use products with natural ingredients. It is of utmost importance that your horse is not unnecessarily burdened with chemicals. It takes a little longer for it to take effect, but it will also work in the longer term and most can also be used preventively.


When do natural-based products make no sense?

If the skin condition is severe, call the vet. Make sure you only use products prescribed by the vet, and do not doctor yourself with products containing chemicals. In general, it is not wise to do so without expert advice.

Sometimes it is necessary to stop the most intense acutely, then natural products do not work enough.


Why not start doctoring yourself?

It is important that horse owners are aware of the risks and choose natural, animal-friendly alternatives to use. By doing so, you keep your horse close to nature and healthy and happy, without using unnecessary chemicals. If it is still necessary, do so only on the advice of the vet but please don't go doctoring yourself just because someone else is doing it too.


Assortment of horse jitters

In my range, you will find products that are natural-based, without chemicals. These products have been carefully selected and tested. My search has been long, as I have tried many products myself in the past. Products that did not always work or only worked temporarily.

There are certainly no miracle cures, but I can now say that the products in my range have already helped a lot of horses against various skin conditions and also in the longer term.

The products in my range:

  1. Green xl for eczema, mug, mite, rasp, fungal infection and scaling.
  2. Neem oil and spray for eczema and mug, scaling.
  3. Helmosan is used for moderate to severe eczema.
  4. Castor oil is an oil that inhibits itching, dry skin, inflammation, analgesic and growth for manes and tails.
  5. Raspberry oil and ointment is used as sun protection for your horse.


If you have a question just send me a WhatsApp here on the site that can be answered faster than my email.

Love Monique


Natural-based products.

Want to know more?

Products to combat itching

Only products that work well with horses on a natural basis will come into my range.

Online shopping
Brand Neem oil

Brand Neem oil

Neem oil mainly helps against skin irritation, itching caused by eczema, mug, mite, rasp,flakes or cpl. Neem oil can reduce the itching a lot or even get rid of it completely depends on the severity of the skin irritation.

More information
Brand Helmosan oil or gel

Brand Helmosan oil or gel

Helps against eczema, mug, mite, rasp, and cpl, flakes.
caring and soothing for insect bites such as from midges, which are very irritating for horses suffering from summer eczema
supports the skin's repair capacity
caring and soothing for dry, cracked and chapped skin
insect repellent

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Brand Green xl

Brand Green xl

If your horse suffers from moccasins, mites, cpl, rasp, flakes, mild eczema or other skin conditions that cause the skin irritation itching, and then also expresses itself in stamping or rubbing, then the shampoo best combined with the leg cleaner can be a godsend.

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Set of protection spray neem

Set of protection spray neem

As a horse lover, you naturally want your horse to be optimally protected from pesky insects such as midges, gnats, hornets, flies, mosquitoes and ticks. Therefore, Paardenkriebels now introduces a new composition of the popular Protection Spray with neem oil, which offers even better protection.

Find out more

What my customers say


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